DYNN'2000 Program

Emmanuel Dauce dauce at cert.fr
Fri Oct 27 11:51:42 EST 2000


                     Bielefeld, November 20-24, 2000



Dear colleagues,

The organizing committee of DYNN'2000 is pleased to announce the
programm of
international workshop to be held in Bielfeld, Germany from Monday,
Friday Nov 24, 2000. This multidisciplinary workshop is devoted to the
of natural aand artificial neural networks viewed as dynamical systems
evolving under environmental pressure
For further information, visit our website

After the previous editions of Toulouse (1996) and Stockhom (1998),
DYNN'2000 will take place
at the ZIF in Bielefeld University in the frame of the Forschungsgruppe
Sciences of Complexity: From Mathematics to Technology to a Sustainable

Students are strongly encouraged to attend DYNN'2000. The registration
specially low for doctorate students and some university rooms are
their lodging during the workshop. Details regarding how students
can apply for these rooms are available on the DYNN'2000 web site.

We apologize, in advance, for any redundant messages that you may
receive. Thank you for your time in reading this message. If you have
further questions, you may contact me at: samuelid at supaero.fr .

 Manuel Samuelides
 DYNN'2000 Workshop Chair


                            Program of DYNN'2000

                         INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON


                      Bielefeld, November 20-24, 2000


                          Monday November 20, 2000

      16:00-16:30 Registration and welcome of registrated people
      16:30-19:00 Opening Session
                  Chair: Manuel Samuelides, ENSAE/UPS Toulouse,
                   16:30Opening Allocution for the millenium edition
                        of DYNN workshop
                        Philippe Blanchard, ZIF, Bielefeld, Germany
                   17:00Information Theoretic Approach to Neural
                        Jean-Pierre Nadal, Ecole normale Supérieure,
                        Paris, France
                   18:00Modeling the dynamical construction of
                        meaning in language
                        Bernard Victorri, Ecole Normale Supérieure,
                        Paris, France


                          Tuesday November 21, 2000

       9:00-12:00 Dynamics and Self-organization 1
                  Chair: Philippe Blanchard, Bielefeld, Germany.
                   09:00Spike-Time dependent learning rules
                        Wulfram Gerstner, EPFL, Lausanne,
                   09:50An introduction to Self-Organized
                        Bruno Cessac Institut Non-Linéaire de Nice,
                   10:30Coffee Break
                   10:50Avalanches of activity in neural networks:
                        finite size effects
                        Christian Eurich Universitaet Bremen,
                   11:40SOC properties of PCNN and application to
                        image processing
                        Xavier Clastres ONERA/UPS, Toulouse, France

      12:00-14:00 Lunch at ZIF
      14:00-17:00 Control 1
                  Chair: Jean-Pierre Nadal, ENS, Paris, France
                        A Control approach framework for attentional
                   14:00brain processing
                        John Taylor King's College, London, United
                   15:00Cognition and Autonomy of Robots from the
                        Dynamical Systems
                        Jun Tani Sony Computer Laboratory,Tokyo,
                   15:40Dynamical systems for perception and action
                        in autonomous robots.
                        Michael Herrmann, MPI fuer
                        Stroemungsforschung, Germany
                   16:20Information transmission of arms
                        coordination and movement direction in the
                        motor cortex.
                        Valeria Del Prete, SISSA, Trieste, Italy.
                   16:40Information transmission of arms
                        coordination and movement
                        Jim Vaccaro US Air Force Rome Laboratory,

      17:00-17:30 Coffee break
      17:30-19:00 Mathematical modelling of nervous system.
                  Chair: Jacques Demongeot, IUF, Grenoble, France
                   17:30A Control approach framework for attentional
                        brain processing
                        John Taylor King's College, London, United
                   18:30Fractal model for neural network
                        organization in breathing center in mouse.
                        Arthur Luczak, Jagellonian University,
                        Krakow, Poland.


                        Wednesday, November 22, 2000

       9:00-12:00 Dynamics and Self-organization 2
                  Chair: Bruno Cessac, INL, Nice, France
                   09:00 Positive regulation cycles and dynamics of
                         neural network
                         Jacques Demongeot, Grenoble, Institut
                         Universitaire de France.
                   09:40 Estimation in interacting point processes
                         models: A gibbsian approximation approach.
                         Thierry Hervé, IMAG, Grenoble, France.
                   10:20 Coffee Break
                   10:40 Dynamical memories on large recurrent
                         neural networks.
                         Sebastiano Stramaglia, Istituto
                         Elaborazione Segnali ed Immagini, Bari,
                   11:20 Dynamical memories on large recurrent
                         neural networks.
                         Emmanuel Daucé, ONERA/DTIM, Toulouse,
                   11:40 Using small parameter changes to access
                         various limit-cycles in random networks.
                         Patrick Mc Guire, ZIF Universitatet
                         Bielefeld, University of Arizona, USA.

      12:00-14:00 Lunch at ZIF
      14:00-16:00 Control 2
                  Chair : John Taylor, King's College, London, UK
                   14:00Importance of the interaction Dynamics in
                        the imitation processes: From temporal
                        sequence learning to implicit reward
                        Philippe Gaussier, ETIS/ENSEA,
                        Cergy-Pontoise, France.
                   14:40Recurrent neural networks for robotic
                        control and planning
                        Mathias Quoy, ETIS/ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise,
                   15:20Dynamic Neural Fields for Robot Control
                        Axel Steinhage, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum,

      16:00-16:30 Coffee break
      16:30-18:30 Spiking Neurons 1
                  Chair: Jacques Demongeot, IUF, Grenoble, France
                   16:30Recurrent competition, synaptic dynamics and
                        optimal coding in primary visual cortex
                        Klaus Obermayer, Technische Universität
                        Berlin, Germany.
                   17:30Influence of noise on neuronal dynamics:
                        from single units to interacting systems
                        Khashayar Pakdaman, INSERM-U244, Paris,
                   18:10Back to spike coding in networks trained
                        with sigmoidal neurons.
                        Christelle Godin CEA Grenoble, France.


                         Thursday, November 23, 2000

       9:00-12:20 Dynamics and Self-organization 3
                  Chair: Philippe Blanchard, Bielefeld, Germany
                   09:00 A large deviation approach of random
                         reccurent neural network dynamics.
                         Manuel Samuelides, ENSAE, ONERA, Toulouse,
                   10:00 A mathematical approach to the problem of
                         synchronization in the cortex
                         Ruedi Stoop, University/ETH, Zurich.
                   10:40 Coffee Break
                   11:00 Frustrated dynamics in small Hopfield
                         Hugues Bersini, IRIDIA/ULB, Bruxelles,
                   11:40 Geometrical analysis of associative memory
                         dynamics and practical application.
                         Toshiki Kindo Matsushita Research
                         Institute, Tokyo Inc., Japan.

      12:00-14:00 Lunch at ZIF
      14:00-17:00 Spiking Neurons 2
                  Chair: Jacques Demongeot, IUF, Grenoble, France
                   14:00Reverse Engineering the Visual System with
                        Networks of Asynchronously Spiking Neurons
                        Simon Thorpe, CNRS/CERCO, Toulouse, France.
                   15:00Synfire Chain in Coincidence Detectors.
                        Ikeda Kazushi, Kyoto University, Japan.
                   15:40A generative model for temporal hebbian
                        synaptic plasticity.
                        Laurent Perrinet, ONERA/DTIM, Toulouse,
                   16:00Rapid dynamic feature binding in feedforward
                        spiking neural vector networks.
                        Sander Bohte, University of Amsterdam,
                   16:20Toward a realistic neuron learning rule.
                        Jianfeng Feng Sussex University Brighton
                        BN1, UK.

      16:40-17:00 Coffee break
      17:30-19:00 Vision
                  Chair:Philippe Gaussier, ETIS/ENSEA,
                  Cergy-Pontoise, France
                   17:00Advantages in Image Processing using Dynamic
                        Jason Kinser George Mason University, USA.
                   17:40Optical flow based on the Pulse Coupled
                        Neural Network.
                        Watanabe Takashi Saitama University, Japan.
                   18:20Analysis of Development of Oriented
                        Receptive Fields in Linsker's Model
                        Tadashi Yamazaki Tokyo Institute of
                        Technology, Japan.
                   18:40A Neural Network Approach for Cancer
                        Diagnosis Based on Dynamical Data Sets
                        Andreas Degenhard, Institute of Cancer
                        Research, Great Britain.


                          Friday, November 24, 2000

      9:00-12:20 Mean-field theory
                 Chair: John Taylor, King's College, London, UK
                  9:50  Mean field theory for stochastic neural
                        networks and graphical models.
                        Bert Kappen University of Nijmege,
                  10:40 Coffee Break
                  11:00 On the landscape of attractors in
                        Hopfield-like neural networks.
                        Daniel Gandolfo CPT-CNRS, Luminy, France.
                  11:40 Dynamics of associative memory networks with
                        synaptic depression.
                        Dimitri Bibitchkov Max-Planck Institute
                        Gottingen, Germany.

Emmanuel DAUCE                                  ONERA-CERT
tel : 05 62 25 25 25 poste 22 78                2, avenue E.Belin
                                                BP 4025
e-mail : dauce at cert.fr                          31055 Toulouse cedex


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