Available- 35,500 Sq. Ft.
Research & Development Facility
Northern Lake County, Illinois
35,500 S.F. facility with 8,050 S.F. office space, 14,440 S.F. pilot lab area and 7,200 S.F. lab area. 8 separate lab areas with tiled floors and separate HVAC. Ideal facility for technology or food manufacturing company with a need for specialized research and development facilities.
View one of the most interesting buildings in Northern Lake County and also the site of the highly successful Lake County Partners DCCA Day Luncheon, which was held on July 13th. The following link will take you directly to an online brochure, complete with pictures and specs of a highly specialized research and development facility Tri-State Realty is currently marketing for Hershey Foods Corp.
Please share this information with organizations, clients or colleagues involved in biomedical, biotech, food testing, laboratory testing, electronics, technical training, etc.
Thank you.
Robert Elbrecht
Vicki Elbrecht
Tri-State Realty, Inc.
P.O. Box 502
Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 360-1375
sales at tristaterealty.com
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