Brad Philbrick, of Biotech Products, will be at the Society For
Neuroscience's (SFN's) 30th annual meeting in New Orleans, LA, November
4 through November 8, 2000.
SFN meeting web site:
Biotech Products' web site:
Look for Brad Philbrick at the Warner Instruments booth.
Biotech Products represents (or distributes for):
Biomedical Research Instruments - Surgical instruments
Warner Instrument Corp - Electrophysiological instruments
Skalar - Blood flowmeters and eye trackers
Strathkelvin - Dissolved oxygen meters
Sycopel International - Microdialysis biosensors
Lisca - Perfusion (blood) imaging
Fabreeka - Vibration isolation for lab instruments
(I'm the webmaster for Biotech Products, and just revamped the web