ANN: Biotech Products at SFN meeting in New Orleans

demetrio at iquest.net demetrio at iquest.net
Thu Oct 26 16:36:31 EST 2000

Brad Philbrick, of Biotech Products, will be at the Society For
Neuroscience's (SFN's) 30th annual meeting in New Orleans, LA, November
4 through November 8, 2000.

SFN meeting web site:         http://www.sfn.org/am2000/neworleans/
Biotech Products' web site:  http://www.biotechproducts.com/

Look for Brad Philbrick at the Warner Instruments booth.

Biotech Products represents (or distributes for):

 Biomedical Research Instruments - Surgical instruments
 Warner Instrument Corp -  Electrophysiological  instruments
 Skalar                         -  Blood flowmeters and  eye trackers
 Strathkelvin                 -  Dissolved oxygen meters
 Sycopel International     -  Microdialysis biosensors
 Lisca                          -  Perfusion (blood)  imaging
 Fabreeka                    -  Vibration isolation for lab instruments
(I'm the webmaster for Biotech Products, and just revamped the web


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