Some other good references in neural information coding:
[RIEKE97] F. Rieke, D. Warland, R. de Ruyter van Steveninck, W. Bialek 1997
SPIKES, Exploring the neural code The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
( Excellent book, everything about coding sensory information in trains of
spikes )
[V.D.MALSBURG99] Ch. von der Malsburg, 1999 The What and Why of Binding : The
Modelers Perspective, Neuron, Vol. 24, Sept. 1999, Pages : 95-104.
( Neural assemblies and visual information processing , coding with spikes in
neural assemblies)
[HERVE90]. Hervé, T., Dolmazon J.M., and Demongeot, J. 1990. Random field and
neural information. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 806-810.
( Model of Auditory information coding in the auditory nerve, coding in
space-time )
mike a écrit :
> In article <3GtI5.2123$EA6.175282 at>, "Richard
> Norman" <rsnorman at> wrote:
>> > I hope its a programming course because real neurons don't use neural
> > codes this way.
>> It is a physiology class. However, we were assigned to write a paper
> regarding how information is coded in the nervous system. We came across
> papers that had information of the rate coding and temporal coding,
> etc... but few gave concrete examples of how a singular piece of
> information was coded. Is there a good source you could recommend for me
> to learn more? As i said, our text does not cover the coding of
> information.
>> Thanks for the reply
> -mike
>> --
> mike
> In my dreams i'm dying all the time
Camilo La Rota
Laboratoire TIMC
Faculte de Medecine de Grenoble
38706, La Tronche
Tel: 33-4-76-63-74-18
Fax: 33-4-76-51-86-67
e-mail: camilo.larota at