Hi to everyone!
In one newspaper, here in Croatia, I find short article take it from BBC.
It is about clinically death of brain.
Scientists which explore "near death exspirience", prove, how is find proof
which show how is consciousness can subsist and after what is brain abort
with all functions(clinically death of brain). Some people who had heart
attack have
remembrance in time, when is his brain was clinically death(outbody
experience, glowing light, peace and quiet, enter in another world, etc.).
Dr. Sam Parnia from Southhampton General Hospital, which is lead this
project, explain, how is nobody do not understand on which way cerebral
cells procreate thoughts, and his premise is, how is human mind or
consciousness independet from brain works.
All this information is new for me. If anybody also see this
article, I will be thankful for more explanation. Also can you send some
information about science speculation, on which way procreate human
psychical features.
Thank you in advance,
P.S. I apologize for my awful English. I hope how you can understand me.