Neural Coding

Collins, Kenneth KPCollins at ameshome.com
Tue Oct 24 04:01:45 EST 2000

it's the preservation of the 3-D neural architecture's internal consistency
that through the TD E/I-minimization principle, gives the nervous system,
and its host, the body, the capacity for autonomous interaction within the
3-D external environment.

this's what enables the internal environment to 'know' the external
environment, consistently.

so, conceptualizations of 'coding' that don't preserve the internal
environment's 3-D stuff 'go off into the wild blue yonder'.

any of these can be brought back to Reality by imposing the correlated 3-D
transformations upon them... but when this is done, one arrives at "the
nervous system's" 3-D structural reality, which is the only thing that

k. p. collins


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