My Religion? SCIENCE !

Star Scribe starscribe at starscribe-publications.com
Mon Oct 23 18:18:04 EST 2000

Lets perform an experiment to see how well you travel outside of your body.
Think about the place where I live, now, send your soul here (go ahead, I'm
giving you an invite for your non-physical soul to enter the place I
reside).  Look around ... no, lets make this even easier, all you need to do
is tell me what items (including brand names) of the electonic equipment I
have in the entertainment center in my living room.

If you can not do that, then lets try this.  There is a park in San Diego,
California called Allied Gardens Recreation Center.  In front of the slide,
just outside of the rather large sand box area is a bench.  The seat of the
bench has four wooden joices that go across that serve as the seat for the
bench.  One of those was recently replaced.
Seat back
board one
board two
board three
borad four

Which one was it that was replaced.  Even guessing you have a 25% chance of
being right.  Send your soul to the park I've mentioned and tell me which
board was replaced.

If you can't at least tell me correctly which board was replaced then all
you are doing is IMAGINING that you are on mars, not actually going there.


"The Last Church" <michael(spam)@thelastchurch.org> wrote in message
news:8su8tt01v0t at enews3.newsguy.com...
> >   How about if it takes a thousand Light Years to travel
> to the nearest
> > habitable system to find life like ours - would YOU like
> to die on the way
>      How about;
>           Only the soul can travel faster than light, so
> far.  Nothing travels
> faster than the thinking mind. If I think about Mars I see
> it.  Only the body
> prevents total Emerson in the environment that is mars.  One
> day that restriction
> will be lifted..
>    Science has to send a camera to the planet to see it.  I
> can see it before light
> can travel from it to earth.  With out the body I can travel
> to any system in the
> second it takes to think of it.  Can I one day imagine a new
> system and be there
> seconds after it's creation?
>    Only the body prevents total Emerson in distant
> environments.  One day that
> restriction will be lifted.  Given a free pass to all the
> things to see in space
> would you want to hang around here and play ghost.
>     Only the soul can travel faster that
> light................
>    If there were no god and no soul the whole life system on
> earth is a waist
> of time, for it will all return to its root.  All life is
> eternal or it is a waste of
> time and energy.   Wasting energy is not logical nor is it
> the way of nature.
> God and the soul are vary real.  Remember we once could not
> see the atom
> or its power.  Still we can not see it but we see the
> results of its actions. WE
> know for sure things we can not see are there.
>    The result of god is your body and soul.  You have only
> to look into yourself
> to see your spirit and the spirit of Christ.  Telepathy is
> real.  Learn to use it.
> You use it all the time already. You just don't recognize
> it.  Know yourself
> and you will recognize many things you do not see now.
> In the mind of Christ,
> Michael

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