Neural Coding

mike mike-anderson at nwu.edu
Mon Oct 23 17:56:56 EST 2000

In article
<5930D8D90441D311931000600821581E03DA6620 at exchange2.ameshome.com>,
KPCollins at ameshome.com ("Collins, Kenneth") wrote:

> everything one needs is discussed in a ms. "On the Automation of Knowing
> within Central Nervous Systems [...]" (AoK), and the refs cited in AoK. i'd
> send you a copy of the ms., gratis, but i've no 'normal' email account.
> perhaps if you ask around, someone else will be able to send you a copy.

Well, i think this would be a bit beyond the scope of my class, however,
it sounds intriguing.  If anyone has this, it sounds like it exists in
electronic form, could you e-mail it to me (mike-anderson at nwu.edu?

In my dreams i'm dying all the time

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