"mike" <mike-anderson at nwu.edu> wrote in message
news:mike-anderson-2210001727470001 at dhcp083174.res-hall.nwu.edu...
> In article <3GtI5.2123$EA6.175282 at typhoon.mw.mediaone.net>, "Richard
> Norman" <rsnorman at mediaone.net> wrote:
>> > I hope its a programming course because real neurons don't use neural
> > codes this way.
>> It is a physiology class. However, we were assigned to write a paper
> regarding how information is coded in the nervous system. We came across
> papers that had information of the rate coding and temporal coding,
> etc... but few gave concrete examples of how a singular piece of
> information was coded. Is there a good source you could recommend for me
> to learn more? As i said, our text does not cover the coding of
> information.
>> Thanks for the reply
> -mike
>> --
> mike
> In my dreams i'm dying all the time
You're quite welcome. And I have also asked students to dream up a way
of connecting neurons to make a directional movement detector, regardless of
whether or not real sensory systems use that coding style -- just to get
them to
realize that neurons do, indeed, process abstract information. The texts
pretty much confined to what "actually is" -- not "what would be if only I
in charge"!