Direction of travel along axon?

mike mike-anderson at nwu.edu
Sun Oct 22 18:21:20 EST 2000

In article <8ssuom$qnk$1 at uranium.btinternet.com>, "Theophilus Samuels"
<theophilus.samuels at btinternet.com> wrote:

>   NGF is taken up at the nerve terminals and transported back to the cell
> body - retrograde transport. Interruption of this transport blocks the
> effects of NGF and results in the death of neurons that are dependent on its
> effects. NGF stimulates dimerisation and autophosphorylation of the TrkA
> receptor and initiation of intracellular signalling cascades that propagate
> the signal to the nucleus. When the pheochromocytomaderived cell line PC12
> is exposed to NGF, CREB becomes phosphorylated on its regulatory site
> Ser133, and this phosphorylation event promotes NGF activation of
> transcription of the immediate early gene c-fos. Many NGF-regulated
> immediate early genes and delayed-response genes contain CREB binding sites
> within their upstream regulatory regions, therefore CREB is likely to be a
> mediator of the general nuclear response to neurotrophins.
>   Read the paper by Riccio et al. in the August 1997 edition of Science (I
> forget its exact title).
> T.L.S.
Thanks man

I will check that article out too.

In my dreams i'm dying all the time

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