> Most nations grow their own tobacco and smoke it.
Not true - England, for example, always has had, and still does have the
rights to ALL Virginia grown tobbaco - in order for anyone to get Virginia
tobbaco in America (not 'Virginia cut' - which is a style of cutting), we have
to buy something called Three Castles Tobbaco, an Export of England.
> I don't believe that smoking was invented by international conspirators,
Then maybe you can explain to us why there are over 500 additives, such as
Arsenic, Formaldehide, cardboard pulp, and secondary Dioxides ??
> and I don't considerit either a big moral issue or anything that should be
subject to legislation of any sort.
How about yellow Journalistic advertising, like Japans advertising that
smoking is "good for you" ??
(The Japanese Government sells all the tobbaco over there).
Or maybe you can tell us why the big tobbaco Consortum just forfetted 16
billion in cash to aid smokers effected with cancers from smoking ??
Or why the Tobbaco Industry is the biggest contributor of Legislative Funds
to the Government ??