Neuroprotective drugs.

c_thomas_wild at my-deja.com c_thomas_wild at my-deja.com
Fri Oct 20 17:47:30 EST 2000

Here's a website which can be helpful:

In article <OOYH5.733$Rk5.12221 at news2-win.server.ntlworld.com>,
  "James Compton-Dando" <james007.cd at virgin.net> wrote:
> I'm a fourth year Pharmacology student at The Uni of Dundee and this
year my
> dissertation is looking at the considerable efforts directed towards
> development of effective pharmacological treatments for disorders of
the CNS
> function caused by stroke, cardiac arrest and head injuries. It will
> the treatment, neurochemical and pathological consequences of such
> conditions  and will conclude with a detailed review of current
research in
> the field of neuroprotective drugs and the prospects for the future.
> Has any one got some useful literature on any of this or does anyone
> about any particular journals which could be useful?
> Get in touch, thanks   James.

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