On the Upheaval in the Middle East

Collins, Kenneth KPCollins at ameshome.com
Wed Oct 18 21:38:22 EST 2000

you know... like in AoK's 'short paper' section... why does the puppy come
to be territorial about the house to which it's brought? why not the yellow
house down the street?

it's 'simple'... the puppy =experiences= the one house and not the other.

via always active TD E/I-minimization, the puppy's nervous system grows
[literally] in accord with that which the dog experiences.

there's nothing more than such experientially determined activation
dependence, yet the dog 'chases the mailman' at this house and not at the
yellow house down the street.

so, "two" with Humans.

isn't it 'time' we transcend such?

K. P. Collins [ken]

p. s. i assume =complete= and comprehensive and all liability for everything
i post... please don't 'hassle' anyone other than me. kpc


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