Hello, I am new to JavaScript but I want to code AI.
Over the past weekend I went out and spent US $138.93
on four books to get me started in coding Mind.js at
http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/js-mind.html (preliminary):
Essential JavaScript for Web Professionals
by Dan Barrett, Dan Linvingston & Micah Brown
JavaScript Application Cookbook
by Jerry Bradenbaugh
Professional JavaScript
by Nigel McFarlane, Andrea Chiarelli, James De Carli, Sing Li,
Mark Wilcox, Paul Wilton, Cliff Wootton, and Stuart Updegrave
Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript 1.3 in 24 Hours
by Michael Moncur.
Each book seemed to have unique, special information.
In the Mind.js source code at the URL-link above, I am
// "commenting" the pertinent pages of each book I use.
So far I have figured out how to make a Mind loop as per
http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/acm.html : Steps to DIY AI.
Now I need to learn all the different ways of getting user
input into the Sensorium function of the Mind.js PD AI.
A dialog box seems awfully cumbersome and unwieldy,
but maybe the four JavaScript books will teach me more.
The goal of this project is to code a sophisticated AI that
anybody can install on Web pages so that the artificial mind
jumps from its home Web page to the client computer, where
casual Web surfers may interact with the AI and learn to code AI.
The AI in JavaScript is being coded in accordance with
http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/standard.html Standards in AI.