Hi, I¹m a trauma therapist who had an interesting session with a client with
an unspecified neurological problem. I¹m writing to share this experience,
with my client¹s full support. I¹m hoping a neurologist will be interested
in a series of techniques that I am exploring and writing about.
My client is a 63 year old man, who had Meneier¹s Syndrome, which had been
in remission for some time. He had a violent attack of vomitting about a
year ago, which left him almost speechless. He had received a dose of
intravenous Gravol, which may have had something to do with the problem. He
sounded like a stroke patient when I saw him two days ago, but apparently he
has been unitelligible for much of the past year.
Right at the onset of the speechlessness¹ his wife took him to the
hospital where he was given aCAT scan, which showed nothing. A few days
later he was given an EEG which also showed nothing. Six months later an
MRI showed 6 bright spots¹, one quite large and 5 stars¹. There was no
specific explanation for these bright spots.
He was told that his speech would improve over time, but progress was very
slow. He was placed on long term disability, and started isolating from his
community. When I saw him the other day for an emotional issue, I tried the
techniques that I use with trauma with him. I asked him to cover one of his
eyes and to note his emotional response to an upsetting thought. I then
asked his to reverse this, and cover the other eye and record his response.
He responded like a trauma survivor: great differences between the
perceptions of the two eyes. I asked him to cover one eye and to track his
eye across his field of vision, toward his nose. When we had switched
eyes¹ and tracked his other eye, the speech problem cleared up. He was
speaking normally when he left the office, and two days later is doing
great, although I encourage him to practice this tracking technique a few
minutes a day. I use this technique for headaches and body pain from
emotional distress.
Any thoughts?
Audrey Cook