>Human cloning, which is going to give all of us eternal life here and
>now and is going to cure all diseases and allow all the organ
Well, I hope the organ transplants work, but I think eternal life will get
pretty old in a generation or three. Death is an evolutionary tool that
aids the race as a whole.
>Genetic manipulations, which are going to allow us, within 10 years
>time, to live 200 years and to provide food for all the children in the
Again, the latter is a lot more appetizing than the former. Right now,
genetic manipulation has yet to yield a truly seedless watermelon.
>Contraception, which makes it possible to have pleasure without
>reproduction !
>The absolute freedom of the Internet, which is a new religion (bringing
>together all human beings in virtual computer space ).
Why would the Internet be any more celestial than, say, a mimeograph
machine plus international mail delivery?
>Nanotechnology, which is going to completely suppress work, whether
>industrial or agricultural.
Oh great. More excuses to have to cut the grass.
>The Internet and electronic books, which will eliminate schools and put
>in place a democratic computer technology while eliminating all the
>books and newspapers which are responsible for the deforestation and
Well, look at the record: schools were supposed to have been eliminated
and/or radically altered by the advent of the printing press, motion
pictures, the phonograph, radio, television, computers, and something
called the "teaching machine." It didn't really happen.
I like the old Irish blessing, myself:
"May no new thing arise."
M Kinsler
512 E. Mulberry St. Lancaster, Ohio USA 43130
Voice: 740.687.6368 Fax: 740.687.6108
Home of the "How Things Work" engineering education program.
See http://www.frognet.net/~kinsler