NIPS 2000 : Reminder -- Registration and Accommodations Deadlines

Benjamin Van Roy bvr at stanford.edu
Thu Oct 12 20:26:58 EST 2000

Neural Information Processing Systems -- Natural and Synthetic
Monday November 27 - Saturday December 2, 2000
Denver and Breckenridge, Colorado

Early registration for NIPS*2000 ends November 1.  Hotel rooms for the
main conference at the Denver Marriott City Center (1-800-228-9290)
will be held at the special conference rate ($80/night single,
$90/night double) only until November 6.  Rooms for the workshops at
the Beaver Run Resort (1-800-288-1282) will be held at the special
conference rates only until October 31, and at the Great Divide Lodge
(1-800-321-8444) until November 9.

Detailed information on hotel accommodations, transportation,
registration, and the conference program is available at the NIPS web


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