Do you think primary peer-reviewed research should be free? Will you publish on the Web?

spooky spooky at chilling.demon.co.uk
Thu Oct 12 05:21:52 EST 2000

I am writing to ask if you would mind filling out the questions below as I
am carrying out a research project for BioMed Central
(http://biomedcentral.com) to find out whether scientists believe that
primary peer-reviewed research should be free of charge. BioMed Central was
launched on 1st June 2000 and is dedicated to publishing free peer-reviewed

Would it be possible for you to spend a couple of minutes answering the
questions below to help us achieve the goal of providing barrier free access
to primary research for all biomedical scientists?

  1.. Have you ever heard of BioMed central before? If yes, how did you hear
about them?
  2.. Where did you submit your last paper? Why?
  3.. Who decides where to submit to, you or your lab head?
  4.. Rank the following in importance to you when choosing to submit:
- Impact factor

- Reputation

- It's where my supervisor/mate/Dad published his last paper

- Turnaround time

- How many people read it

5. What do BioMed Central need to do to encourage you to submit a paper to

6. What incentive/reward would you think appropriate/enticing enough?

7. Do you like the idea of a Gold Medal award decided by out Editorial
Directorate for outstanding papers? If not why not?

8. Do you like the idea of submitting a package of material to funders etc.
telling them of the quality of your paper and the rigorous review
process/panel it went through to reach Gold Medal status?

9. Would it be possible for me to call you to discuss BioMed Central? If
yes, please reply with your direct line number.

10. Will you submit a paper to BMC?

  1.. Now?
  2.. If yes, but not now, then when?
  3.. Never? Why?
11. Do you have further advice to give us, or any further comments to make?

Thank you very much for your feedback. Please pass this survey onto your

Kind Regards,

Louise Parker

Freelance Marketing Services for BioMed Central

Freelance at chilling.demon.co.uk

P S You may be interested in reading our FAQ at


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