The Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience in Leipzig has an
opening for a scientist in the magnetoencephalography (MEG)
working group. The position is for application and adaption of
methods for MEG data analysis.
The main research topics of the Institute is the
investigation of language, music and working memory in humans.
The Institute is equipped with a 3T-MRT scanner (Bruker), a 148 channel
whole-head MEG system (Magnes WH~2500, 4D-NeuroImaging) and 5 EEG labs.
Requirements: A Ph.D. (or near completion) in physics, computer science,
engineering or a related field and excellent knowledge of biological
signal analysis and applied statistics. The candidate is expected to be
an enthusiastic member of our multi-disciplinary team and to collaborate
in a number of ongoing projects at our institute.
The position is limited to three years at first, but may become
We are particularly interested in applications from qualified female
candidates. Preference will be given to equally qualified candidates
with disabilities. Applications including CV and a list of publications
should be submitted before October 31st, 2000 to:
MPI of Cognitive Neuroscience
Verwaltung, Kennwort: MEG-W
Postfach 500355
D-04303 Leipzig
Informal inquiries by email (mailto:maess at or phone
(+49-3425-887526) are welcome.
Dr. Burkhard Maess
Max Planck Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
Stephanstr. 1a, P.O. Box 500355, D-04303 Leipzig
Aussenstelle Bennewitz, phone/fax: +49(3425)8875-26/-11
mailto:maess at,
PGP-ID: Burkhard Maess <maess at>
Key fingerprint = 4E D4 09 8F 2F AF 1D AD B4 E7 43 6C DC D0 29 1C