Job: neurobiologist, University of Central Arkansas

benwaggoner at my-deja.com benwaggoner at my-deja.com
Mon Oct 9 18:59:33 EST 2000


Department of Biology, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR 72035

A tenure track position is available at the Assistant Professor
level for a Neurobiologist. Preference will be given to candidates
with interests in molecular, cellular or developmental areas. A
Ph.D. is required.

The Department of Biology contains 22 full-time faculty, all with
doctorates. The department serves about 400 undergraduate majors
in three major areas of interest: ecology/evolutionary biology,
preprofessional studies, and general biology. In addition, the
department takes a lead role in our new Environmental Science
Program, where most students pursue the biology track. About 20
students are currently enrolled in the department's MS program.
About 1,500 students per year take our Biology for General Education
course (with lab), and we offer several large service courses for
health science majors.

The biology faculty are dedicated to quality teaching. The candidate's
teaching responsibilities will include Introduction to Neuroscience
for health sciences majors, contribution to the lower-division
curriculum, and an upper division elective or graduate course in
the candidate's area of specialty. New faculty have a somewhat
reduced teaching load, and eventually carry a 12 contact hour/week
load. Teaching load can be reduced through reassigned time and
sabbatical programs. Most of the faculty are actively engaged in
research, and the candidate is expected to develop an active research
program. Funding sources of current faculty have included NSF, NIH,
American Heart Association, National Park Service, USDA, EPA, and
various state and local agencies.

The Department of Biology occupies about 50,000 sq-ft in Lewis
Science Center. Most rooms have optical fiber access to campus
resources and the internet. We maintain an extensive equipment
inventory. Multiple computer stations are employed in cell biology,
physiology, molecular biology, and the freshman Biology-I course,
and are available for other courses. We are currently adding a
Scanning Electron Microscope facility, and have other NSF equipment
proposals pending. Available neuroscience equipment includes two
Cambridge Electronics A/D units with Spike2 software, two extracellular
amplifiers, oil-driven micromanipulators, stereotaxis units, and
a cryostat, as well as a shared electrode puller.

Conway is a prosperous city of 45,000 with two small private
colleges in addition to The University of Central Arkansas. Living
here means easy access to both a large urban center (Little Rock
is 30 minutes away via I-40) and pristine wild areas such as the
Buffalo National River, and the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains. The
area affords opportunities for canoeing, fishing, and hunting, and
is also rich in art, handicraft, and folk culture.

To apply, submit curriculum vita, statements of teaching philosophy
and research plans, and the names of three references to: Dr. Paul
Hamilton, Department Chairperson, at the address above. (Phone:
501-450-3146; FAX: 501-450-5914; E-mail: paulh at mail.uca.edu) .
Application review will begin December 6, 2000 and continue until
the position is filled. For further information visit


The University of Central Arkansas is an Equal Opportunity /
Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities and women are especially
encouraged to apply.

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