sam-e causes brain damage?

eric errock at rcn.com
Mon Oct 9 16:09:05 EST 2000

> direction. The fact that increasing SAMe levels from normal levels may
> cause neurological damage does not in any way support the conclusion
> that raising SAMe levels to normal levels from a deficient state must

you wouldnt you know what your SAMe levels are and how much you are raising
them when using SAMe.
Also, you argue that SAM-e must extert its "anti depressent" effects by
correcting an imbalance, this is untrue, look at the many neurotoxic
recreational drugs used as "anti ""depressents"" "
I think its not really much of an issue as far as interpreting the studies,
unless some one has info to add, like anecdotal evidence of Parkinsons or
similiar symptoms from SAM-e

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