We wish to post the following announcement of an opening in our
Department for a
Developmental Biologist.
DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. The Department of Biological
Sciences at the University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR) invites
applications from outstanding individuals for a tenure-track Assistant
Professor position starting Fall Semester 2001. The position is in
Developmental Biology with research expertise in molecular/cellular
mechanisms of development using an established model system. The
successful applicant will be will expected to teach at the undergraduate
level, participate in the development of a new graduate program in
Applied and Environmental Biology, and establish a funded research
program involving undergraduate and graduate students. Additional
information on qualifications for the position and related
information is
available at Send complete application,
including curriculum vitae, statements of research objectives and
teaching interests, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to
be sent to: Human Resource Services, Position #R53266, University of
Missouri-Rolla, 1202 North Bishop, 1870 Miner Circle, Rolla, MO
65409-1050. Review of applications will begin December 15, 2000,
and continue until the position is filled. UMR is an AA/EEO
employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Thank you,
Roger F. Brown, Chair
Search Committee
Department of Biological Sciences
Univ Missouri-Rolla
Ph: 573-341-4860
email: rbrown at