Job Opening

Roger Brown rbrown at umr.edu
Mon Oct 2 16:00:23 EST 2000


We wish to post the following announcement of an opening in our 
Department for a
Developmental Biologist.

        DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. The Department of Biological
        Sciences at the University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR) invites
        applications from outstanding individuals for a tenure-track Assistant
        Professor position starting Fall Semester 2001. The position is in
        Developmental Biology with research expertise in molecular/cellular
        mechanisms of development using an established model system. The
        successful applicant will be will expected to teach at the undergraduate
        level, participate in the development of a new graduate program in
        Applied and Environmental Biology, and establish a funded research
        program involving undergraduate and graduate students. Additional
        information on qualifications for the position and related 
information is
        available at http://www.umr.edu/~biosci/. Send complete application,
        including curriculum vitae, statements of research objectives and
        teaching interests, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to
        be sent to: Human Resource Services, Position #R53266, University of
        Missouri-Rolla, 1202 North Bishop, 1870 Miner Circle, Rolla, MO
        65409-1050. Review of applications will begin December 15, 2000,
        and continue until the position is filled. UMR is an AA/EEO
        employer.  Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Thank you,

Roger F. Brown, Chair
Search Committee
Department of Biological Sciences
Univ Missouri-Rolla
Ph: 573-341-4860
email: rbrown at umr.edu


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