Music and IQ, let's try again

Ken Moore ken at hpsl.demon.co.uk
Sun Oct 1 15:36:50 EST 2000

In article <39d73ece.801081 at news.xs4all.nl>, Samuel Vriezen <sqv at xs4all.
nl.getridofthisone> writes
>For starters, singers and
>violinists generally have no use for 12TET and its calculations unless
>they're forced by some piano accompanying them.

In my experience, if there are enough of them (eg string orchestra or
choir) they prefer to play their thirds in tune with each other and
disregard the piano.  If you have a Barenreiter edition of the Mozart Eb
piano quartet, K 493, look at its final chord: he asks for the piano to
play Eb half notes but makes the rest of its chord quarters.  The G and
Bb are half notes in the strings.  We don't know precisely what tuning
he expected, of course.
Ken Moore
ken at hpsl.demon.co.uk
Web site: http://www.hpsl.demon.co.uk/

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