If one looks at a large enough sample, the question you ask will be
answered differently by different people: what time are they at their
peak of mental alertness? For some people, 5 PM to midnight is their
peak attention time vs others where their peak attention time may be
from 5 AM to noon. Different people tend to be night people, graveyard
shift people, morning people, and afternoon people. There's an
enormous variability within the human species.
Here's a resource which touches upon the idea of adenosine and sleep:
In article <8qgefp$qbr$1 at wanadoo.fr>,
"Neuro" <Neuro at nospam.com> wrote:
> I want to know why brain only starts working properly from 5-6 PM to
> Midnight for some people, and why their attention level is very low
all the
> day before.
> Has anybody an explanation ? What's published on the topics ?
>> Thanks
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