Dr.Matt <fields at login.itd.umich.edu> wrote in message
news:uaoB5.5201$O5.112258 at news.itd.umich.edu...
> In article <970322772.5922.0.nnrp-01.9e98440f at news.demon.co.uk>,
> David Webber <dave at musical.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> >
> >If you solve the same equation for a circular membrane held at its rim,
> >you get bessel functions instead of sine waves.
>> Even Bessel functions represent an ideal approximation.
Of course - that's what science is about: starting with ideal approximations
and then refining them to get closer to the truth. But the Bessel function
for cylindrical membranes isthe exact analogue of the sine waves for
vibrating strings in this case.
Dave Webber
Author of MOZART the Music Processor for Windows - http://www.mozart.co.uk
Member of the North Cheshire Concert Band http://www.northcheshire.org.uk