Over thirty years ago I was involved with a study to check the effect of
continuous white noise on rats.
Over three generations the females became skinny and the male rats became
fat. The experiment was terminated when the most interesting result may
have presented themselves. Either the females or the males had fertility
problems. The number of pups was significantly less. The observation was
never published.
In principle any frequency can be used to entrain or effect other
frequencies. The
basic model of Correlational Opponent Processing (http://turn.to/ai) suggest
the brain uses wavelets to process and store information.
The frequency associated with consciousness is 40 hertz. Therefore a low
sound could have significant effects on the nervous system.
Ron Blue
<jrosser at cochlear.com.au> wrote in message
news:OF0FF8A134.A6D4ED6B-ONCA25690B.000B7AE0 at cochlear.com.au...
>> Dear Karen
>> I have been out of the field for some time now but do recall the case in
> Invercargill where a factory was operating 24 hours a day and nearby
> residents were complaining of 'ill effects' from what may have been low
> frequency noise. It is possible to measure low frequency noise but you
> would need special equipment. I would suggest contacting the local city
> council Environmental Noise Control Officer. If this person doesn't exist
> contact OSH or the Health Department in Wellington for advice. Is there
> idea what the noise source could be?
>>>> Regards
>>> Jeremy Rosser
> Clinical Specialist Audiologist
> South Africa and North East Asia
> Cochlear Ltd
> Phone: +61 2 9428-6530
> Fax: +61 2 9428-6352
> email: jrosser at cochlear.com.au>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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