Question : How much energy consumes the brain ???

Bill Skaggs skaggs at bns.pitt.edu
Mon Jun 26 08:17:35 EST 2000

"Incanus" <Thomas.zeis at stud.unibas.ch> writes:

> Salute
> I need to know how much energy the brain consumes the brain during several
> activities and sleep .....
> I searched many sites and resources but I can't find really good ones. If
> you got some good links for everything that has to do with the brain
> (everything) please post it....
> Thx for all
> Thomas

I don't know the answer, but the place I would look is a basic textbook
on brain imaging (PET or fMRI).  Both of these methods are essentially
ways of imaging energy consumption, measured in terms of blood supply --
so there has been a good bit of fundamental research on the topic.

	-- Bill

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