Cerebellum stroke

James Teo james.teo at chch.ox.ac.uk
Mon Jun 26 06:00:19 EST 2000

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000 11:00:56 -0700, Marco de Innocentis
<mdeinnocentisNOmdSPAM at hotmail.com.invalid> wrote:
>What happens to a person who suffers a bad stroke in the
>cerebellum? Do they become completely paralised or do they
>just lose their sense of equilibrium?

As far as I am aware, they're not paralysed (unless the stroke affects
the brain stem or motor pathways in the medulla as well) although
acutely there may be weakness on the affected side.

Classically, they get 
1) ataxia (problems with gait and balance), 
2) problems with performing quick repetitive rhythmic tasks (ie.
dysdiadochokinesia, eg: shuffling cards) and,
3) intentional tremor (tremor which only comes on when they are
performing a voluntary task). 

Of course, there is also a strong possibility of death in cerebellar
haemorrhages if the cerebellum herniates downwards from the rising

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