Baby death

Nick Medford nick at hermit0.demon.co.uk
Sun Jun 25 19:45:31 EST 2000

In article <03eab8f2.08a8971e at usw-ex0103-024.remarq.com>, Marco de
Innocentis <mdeinnocentisNOmdSPAM at hotmail.com.invalid> writes
>Nick Medford <nick at hermit0.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>> Are you by any chance a  lawyer?
>No, I'm a mathematician. My questions on the 'locked-in
>syndrome' are due to personal interest, those on cerebellum
>atrophy to the fact that I have a friend suffering from
>this condition. The last one is because of the trial of a
>woman here in England, who is accused of smothering her
>two children. The only argument the prosecution has is
>the improbability of two cot deaths in the same family -
>an argument which by itself has already resulted in one
>conviction in this country.

Fair enough. I'm sorry I attributed unsavoury ulterior motives to your
postings - seems I was wrong to do so. 
Nick Medford

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