Postdoctoral Positions in Structural Neurobiology

CS Raman raman at bragg.bio.uci.edu
Sat Jun 24 13:05:28 EST 2000


Two positions are available in the newly established
Structural Biology Center at the University of Texas.
Highly motivated individuals are sought to pursue
research in an active and collaborative environment.
One position will focus on x-ray crystallographic
studies of the proteins involved in the nitric oxide
signaling pathway (Cell 95: 939-950 [1998]).  
Another position is geared towards solving structures
of novel proteins in transcriptional silencing.
Diffraction-quality crystals and/or optimized protein
expression systems are in hand to provide a head-start 
on these projects. Both projects also present the
opportunity for pursuing biochemical and functional
studies in parallel with the structural analysis.  
The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art facilites
including a Rigaku generator, RAXIS IV++ detectors, Osmic
mirrors, cryo-cooling, and equipment for all aspects
of protein purification, expression, and characterization.

The applicant should have a Ph.D. in Biochemistry or 
Molecular Biophysics.  Preference will be given to those
candidates with training in macromolecular crystallography.
However, those with research expertise in protein chemistry,
molecular biology, or computational chemistry/biology are
encouraged to apply.  Interested candidates should send their
CV along with e-mail addresses of three references to 
craman at uci.edu OR Dr. C. S. Raman, Structural Biology Center,
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University
of Texas - Houston Medical School, Suite 6.200, 6431 Fannin St,
Houston, TX 77030.  URL:deanweb.med.uth.tmc.edu.  The University
of Texas - Medical School in Houston is an Equal Employment/
Opportunity Employer.


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