In article <m77lbgdvq4.fsf at>, Bill Skaggs
<skaggs at> writes
>Marco de Innocentis <mdeinnocentisNOmdSPAM at> writes:
>>> What happens to a person who suffers a bad stroke in the
>> cerebellum? Do they become completely paralised or do they
>> just lose their sense of equilibrium?
>>>> Marco.
>>Neither. They retain the ability to move but their movements
>lose precision. They don't lose their *sense* of equilibrium
>but may have problems balancing because of the loss of precise
>motor control.
>> -- Bill
Good "textbook" answer, however in practice motor weakness may occur in
addition to the classical cerebellar signs of intention tremor, disturbed fine
motor control, slurred speech, and nystagmus. Weakness and flaccidity may
occur even when the damage is limited to the cerebellum, though traditional
texts don't describe this. (I promise I'm not making this up - I have seen
such cases personally.)
I would also point out that a "bad stroke" anywhere in the brain (e.g. a
significant haemorrhage) could cause death due to mass effect.
Nick Medford