Cerebellum stroke

Bill Skaggs skaggs at bns.pitt.edu
Fri Jun 23 14:48:51 EST 2000

Marco de Innocentis <mdeinnocentisNOmdSPAM at hotmail.com.invalid> writes:

> What happens to a person who suffers a bad stroke in the
> cerebellum? Do they become completely paralised or do they
> just lose their sense of equilibrium?
> Marco.

Neither.  They retain the ability to move but their movements
lose precision.  They don't lose their *sense* of equilibrium 
but may have problems balancing because of the loss of precise
motor control.

	-- Bill

(This assumes, of course, that the damage is limited to the
cerebellum.  If it extends into other parts of the brain too,
all bets are off.)

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