Karnowsky score!

Martin Klein m.klein.psychol at med.vu.nl
Fri Jun 23 03:24:02 EST 2000

Dear Vito,

The Karnofsky Performance Status Scale (KPS) is an overall indicator of
the patient’s level of physical functioning used frequently in clinical
research in oncology. KPS scores range from 0 (lowest level) to 100
(highest level).
Karnofsky DA, Abelmann WH, Craver LF. The use of nitrogen mustards in the
palliative treatment of carcinoma. 1948;1:634-656.
If you are intested on more information with regard to treatmetns and
prognosis of GBM, a usefull source is the website of theAmerican Brain
Tumor Association (www.abta.org)

Martin Klein

Vito Taormina wrote:

> Hi all
> I'm an italian young MD student, I need a neurologic-specialized help
> to evaluate my father's Karnowsky score (he has a GBM). So, if You
> are a neurologist, please, tell me where I can find the tests and how
> could I execute them...I need that soon, any advice is helpful.
> Thank You
> Rino

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