ZDNet: News: Page One has an
article on mixed analog and digital chips being developed
at MIT, Bell Labs and the Institute of Neuroinformatics.
The Mindmaker Project needs chips that can imitate the
human cerebral cortex. This no-charge, free, public domain
artificial intelligence is being distributed as `AI at Home'
in emulation of the popular SETI at Home project. Future
developments of the public domain AI will depend on
achieving "mass-par" (massively parallel) implementations
and on migration to the sorts of chips being announced
here on ZDNet News Page One.
Forth is the lingua franca of AI, embedded NC and robotics.
For details on Mind.Forth and the public domain AI project,
see the ACM Sigplan Notices 33(12):25-31 (December 1998),
"Mind.Forth: Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence and Forth."
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