On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 20:17:51 +1000, "John H."
<johnhkm at netsprintXXXX.net.au> wrote:
>[[12/06/00 15:37
>>I have been reading a bit about working memory lately but I still haven't
>found a formal definition of the same. From what I can gather working memory
>is defined as the ability to hold a number of elements simultaneously as
>elements for attention. I wonder about this simultaneous bit, but can anyone
>help me here? Is working memory solely regarded as that which can be held
>simultaneously, or does the concept allow consideration for movements into
>and our working memory over given time spans?
>>Does a formal definition exist? If so, where can I find it?
>>John H.
>Remove 4x
Just to offer a different (different from Danahoe & Palmer) point of
view for those readers who want to stay within todays popular field of
theoretical cognitive research, Baddeley & Hitch's tripartite Working
Memory model (start with : Baddeley, 1986) offers a theoretical
cognitive framework to methodologically support and discuss applied
user-system research on multimodality. This Working Memory model does
have a "central executive" to *co-ordinate* (a) the activity of a
phonological loop and (b) the handling of visio-spatial information.
For example, to drive a car, and simultaneously use a mobile phone,
will influence the controlling attential mechanism ("central
executive"), and probably increase the total number of accidents.
jac.oppers at philips.com (replaces jac at natlab.research.philips.com)