AI@Home: Artificial Intelligence Tutorial

Arthur T. Murray uj797 at victoria.tc.ca
Wed Jun 21 13:26:48 EST 2000

Step One:  Read Technological Singularity by Vernor Vinge at
so that this Tutorial may refer back to ideas of Vinge.

Step Two:  Explore the modules of the Mind.Forth flow-chart at
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/mind4th.html so
that you may explain to other persons what each module does.

Step Three:  Read the theory document "Know Thyself!" at
upon which the AI at Home artificial intelligence is based.

Step Four:  Download and run Mind.Forth or a port into
another programming language and at the same time switch
on the Tutorial mode to make the AI show you what it is
doing internally at each stage of interacting with you.
(Please be patient while the various volunteer AI coders
build up an ever more detailed Tutorial mode.)

Step Five:  Teach the operation of the AI to at least
one other person so that you will have to think things
through well enough to answer questions, teacher.

Step Six:  Ask any questions that you can not answer
in the appropriate http://www.deja.com/usenet/ Usenet
forum such as news:comp.robotics.misc or any newsgroup
that seems appropriate for the discussion.

Step Seven:  Increase the installed base of the AI at Home
source code by porting the artificial mind to another
language of your choice or by writing mind extensions in
the Forth that you learn from one of these tutorials:

Beginning Forth Tutorial:  The major concepts of Forth.

Intermediate Forth Tutorial:  Variables, Flow of Control, etc.

Advanced Forth Tutorial:  for becoming a Forth expert.

A Beginner's Guide to Forth -- by Julian V. Noble

Win32Forth Getting Going -- Getting Started in Forth.

Forth is the lingua franca of AI, embedded NC and robotics.
For details on Mind.Forth and the public domain AI project,
see the ACM Sigplan Notices 33(12):25-31 (December 1998),
"Mind.Forth: Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence and Forth."

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