Locked-in Syndrome

Marco de Innocentis mdeinnocentisNOmdSPAM at hotmail.com.invalid
Mon Jun 19 13:01:45 EST 2000

Jim Zisfein <jzisfeinNOjzSPAM at excite.com.invalid> wrote:

>The locked-in syndrome occurs with some lesions in the pons.
>Vertical movements in the eyes are spared because those
>movements are coordinated from the midbrain, not the pons. The
>midbrain also mediates consciousness.

Thanks, but I remember reading in Jean-Dominique Bauby's "The
Diving-bell and the Butterfly" that he could only move one of
his eyes, and after some time the other one was sawn shut.
Does this mean that somehow his stroke had damaged part of
his midbrain as well?

mdeinnocentis at hotmail.com

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