due to my own tbi, I'm very interested in this memory discussion. All I had
heard of until now is short-term and long-term memory. My most apparent
difficulties appear in accessing what I know. What I know residing in
long-term memory, and the access difficulty resulting short-term memory
troubles. I've compared my brain to a PC, saying my hard drive is ok, but
my RAM is lacking. I've noted numerous references - thanks all! Can anyone
share advice or help me better understand the physical explanations to my
If anyone's interested in more details say so, or check out my ramblings on
the TBI Chat room at http://tbichat.org/stories/daniel_e2.htm
Bill Skaggs <skaggs at bns.pitt.edu> wrote in message
news:m7aegoe6hw.fsf at skaggs.bns.pitt.edu...
> "Christian Stapfer" <chstapfer at nospam.bluewin.ch> writes:
> > From reading "Comprehension: A Paradigm for Cognition"
> > (Walter Kintsch, 1998) I get the impression that the
> > above definition is not 'adequate', and that a truly
> > adequate definition of 'working memory' is not likely
> > to be all that simple.
> > Neither the traditionally assumed severe capacity
> > limits (7 +/- 2), nor the idea of moving content from
> > long-term memory to short-term ('working') memory and
> > back, seem to be generally valid.
> > Kintsch uses the terms 'short-term working memory'
> > (ST-WM) and 'long-term working memory' (LT-WM), as well
> > as the idea of 'retrieval structures' in order to theorize
> > the role of 'working memory' in text understanding.
>> There is a difference between "short term memory" and "working
> memory"; the two terms are not synonymous. Essentially, "short term
> memory" is memory that only lasts for a short period of time; "working
> memory" is memory that is only *used* for a limited period of time (on
> a specific task). This is why the phrase "short-term working memory",
> as used by Kintsch, is not redundant. In principle it would be
> possible for working memories to be stored in a neural trace that is
> permanent rather than short-lasting.
>> -- Bill