Working Memory

Larry Arnold Larry at larry-arnold.com
Wed Jun 14 13:20:23 EST 2000

I am said to have a short term verbal working memory problem, that is to say
I cannot hold on to more than a few words in my memory at any time, which
means that I find speech difficult to understand


L'autisme c'est moi
Christian Stapfer <chstapfer at nospam.bluewin.ch> wrote in message
news:8i8c2a$7no$1 at bw107zhb.bluewin.ch...
> Bill Skaggs wrote:
> ...
> > There is a difference between "short term memory" and "working
> > memory"; the two terms are not synonymous.
> Agreed. But I hope you remember that the 'definition' of
> working memory, taken from the Encyclopædia Britannica,
> to which I objected, included the sentence:
> > > > The labels short-term memory, primary memory, and
> > > > working memory refer to the temporary storage of
> > > > information that is necessary for the performance
> > > > of many cognitive tasks.
> So the collapsing of 'short-term memory' and 'working
> memory' (not to speak of 'primary memory') is not due
> to confusion on the matter on my part but due to the
> fact that I tried to answer jst's posting.
> Christian Stapfer

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