adhesives for testing equipment??

Steve Thomas sthoma20 at ford.com
Tue Jun 13 23:48:27 EST 2000

Jillennium wrote:
>    Hello,
> I am trying to make a piece of testing equipment and must adhere
> silicon, latex, and rubber together with an adhesive that is safe for
> internal tissues(i.e. the mouth).
> I have tried dental molding adhesive and even, in desperation,
> Superglue, which didn't work either so I don't have to worry about the
> tissue-safe issue.
> Any ideas on what might adhere these substances?
> thanks in advance,
> Jill H.

Have you tried clear silicone?
The kind that generates acetic acid as it cures, NOT silicone II.
It is supposed to be innocuous when cured although not for actual

( I am assuming the adhesion doesn't have to take place inside the
mouth. )
> graduate student
> Rutgers Univ, Psych Dept

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