FWD> Intenet Sales Leads!

pzgho2mqz5dvm at kangaroomail.com pzgho2mqz5dvm at kangaroomail.com
Sat Jun 10 08:47:38 EST 2000

If you want to market a product or service to web site owners and
administrators, you need to read about the Master Disc 2000 database!!!

You can now access up-to-date data for over 8.5 million companies
worldwide. All of them have their own '.com','.net' or '.org' domain
name on the Internet, making them top prospects for Internet business.
(About 50% include email addresses...) Simply complete the request form
enclosed and return via fax, one of our sales persons will contact
regarding our products. We also build databases to order and carry more
than a dozen other databases from general contact info, fax, email, etc.

Master Disc 2000 allows you to sort data and choose companies according
to your preferences, Data can be imported and exported to your contact
management, spreadsheet, and broadcasting applications.

Please note this is sold compressed using WinZip on a single CDRom as
data only in text ASCII format and does not include any program to
manage the data!! You will need to provide your own software to import
and mange the data. Also you will need a minimum of 1.5 to 3.0 gigabits
of hard drive space to unpack the database. The fields that are contained
within the databases we offer are as follows;

Company Name
State or Province
Postal Code
Prefix (Dr., Mr., Mrs., etc.)
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Suffix (Jr., II, III, IV, etc.)
Title (CEO, Ph.D., D.M.D., D.D.S., etc.)
E-mail Address
Web Address
Web Title (title of web page)
META Description (description of website)
META Keywords (keywords pertinent to website)
BODY (first 255 characters of web site, e.g. index.html)
SIC Codes

Please note that each record does not include data for each field, if
you choose the upgrades and support option you will receive the updates
to existing records and fields, as well as additional records. However
we do guarantee that you will not find and duplicate domain or urls
within the database. For example you may find more than one contact
name for multiple domains if that contact owns or acts as an admin for
more than one domain.

Master Disc 2000 (ver 1.00 #8.5 million records) costs US $799.00**

Master Disc 2000 mini (ver 1.01 #4.5 million records) costs US $499.00**
(Please note the mini version does not include the META, Title, and Body Fields)

Email addresses ONLY (ver 1.02 #3.5 million records), available for US $299.00**

**Includes regular ground shipping for USA domestic

Semi-annual updates are available for US $199.00

To order FAX this form to (805) 980-5373 or call now for more info!!




Street Address:



Zip:				Country:




[ ] YES! Send the "Master Disc 2000 (ver 1.00 8.5 million records)" for $799.00US

[ ] YES! Send the "Master Disc 2000 mini (ver 1.01 4.5 million records)" for $499.00US

[ ] YES! Send the "Master Disc 2000 (ver 1.02 4.5 million email addresses)" for $299.00US

[ ] YES! Register me for the semi-annual updates & support for one year at $199.00US

[ ] Please send more information before I order the "Master Disc 2000".

(If no address is entered we will use the address listed in the section above)

Ship To:

Street Address:



Zip:			Country:

*Domestic Shipping Options Only*

[ ] Shipping & Handling via Ground Delivery included with purchase (Domestic Only,
See International section for shipping options)

[ ] Express Processing, and Ship Priority Over Night for an additional $29.00

*International Shipping Options Only*

[ ] International Shipping is a flat shipment fee of $49.00

Please select one of the following options for the billing of import duties
& import taxes:

[ ] Please have the import duties/taxes billing to my FedEx account #_____________________

[ ] By signing under the credit card authorization section I am authorizing the credit
card submitted to be billed within approximately 6 weeks after the original amount is
processed for the amount of the import duties and import taxes.  I acknowledge the fact
that IMG Online, Inc. does not know the amount of these duties/taxes prior
to shipment as they vary from country to country.


[ ] Pay by check		AMOUNT OF CHECK $____________

Mail all payments by check to:

IMG Online, Inc.
1440 Coral Ridge Dr. #336
Coral Springs, Florida 33071
Attn: Master Disc 2000

[ ] C.O.D.

By selecting this option customer agrees to pay by either a bank/certified check
or money order for the total amount plus shipping if any.  In addition to the
purchase price and shipping costs there will be an additional charge of $16.50US
for C.O.D. processing.


[ ] Pay by Credit Card	TOTAL CHARGE   $

Card Type:     [ ] Visa  [ ] Master Card  [ ] American Express [ ] Discover

Card Number:   	Exp. Date:

Card Holder Name:   	    	 (*This must be completed & signed by cardholder)




Zip Code: 		Country:

I authorize "IMG Online, Inc." to charge my credit card for the
"Master Disc 2000" CdRom in the amount as specified above plus shipping costs if
express delivery. (If ordering with credit card, this must be returned with cardholder's signature!) I am also aware that the charge will show on my statement as either
"JT Nets Billing" or "Net Pro LLC".

Signature:_____________________________  Date:__________________


To order or for more information please call or FAX this form to (805) 980-5373 now!!

Also Please, Send Additional Information on:

_____	Online Billing/Credit Card Processing
_____	Emailing Services and Databases
_____	Search Engine Positioning
_____	International Contact Lists
_____	Buying / Selling Traffic
_____	Other Databases Available
_____	Other:_______________________________

To discontinue receipt of further notice and to be removed from our database,
please reply with the word "Remove" in subject. Or call  (805) 980-5373 and
leave your email address for removal from the database and future mailings.

If you would like for more information on the other products and services we
have to offer related to online marketing databases / tools, please reply
with the word "Subscribe" in subject. Or call  (805) 980-5373 and leave your
email address for more information and future mailings.

IMG Online, Inc.
1440 Coral Ridge Dr. #336
Coral Springs, Florida 33071



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