Following is a highlight from a Doctor's letter at msg bottom.
"Electrigel restores order to areas of disorder in our bodies.
I have been using these products in my practice for 3 months
and the following is a short list of the conditions I have
seen that have either had complete recovery or great changes
in their patterns: painful arthritic joints, headaches, sinusitis,
sprains/strains, trigger points, chronic low back pain, shingles,
eczema, cramps in MS patients, croup, flu, IBS, colitis,
heart palpitations, addictions (drug and alcohol), depressions,
body sores, cysts, ADD syndromes, emotional disparities, seizures,
skin conditions, gum disease, breathing difficulties,
digestive conditions and the list goes on."
This is to inform you of,
a new substance
from the field of Electri-Cellular Science.
Released 1998, by the Electri-Cellular Industry led by
a gentleman, who after 35 years of researching
has defined and created a way to impart,
"the exact minute electrical frequency
used in 'orderly' cell communication"
"Electrigel Creme" represents a complete new paradigm in healing
and recovery which produces significant and quick results on
many long term problems that won't respond to other modalities, with
few individuals requiring prolonged application to acheive benefit.
Do not doubt the startling results discussed,
I assure you these products do just exactly
what the people using them say they do.
1000+ Health professionals do Not
endorse anything lightly.
My name is Cliff Roberts, and I'd like
to present two doctor's reports that are
typical of what over one thousand various
professionals involved are finding.
Those embracing this technology include
numerous practitioners from
every alternative field.
Dr. Carolyn Mortimer
I am a medical doctor, practicing wholistic Medicine
for the last 20 years. In the scope of my practice,
I treat all kinds of chronic degenerative diseases
such as Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease,
Chronic Fatigue Syndromes, Fibromyalgia, Lupus,
all kinds of Arthritis. Infectious problems including various
viruses, bacterica, yeast, fungi and all kinds of parasites,
acute and chronic pain syndromes, etc.
I am quite excited to say that I have been using the Electrigel
products, for the last 3 months. Although, this is not a very
long time, I can clearly say these products have made more of a
dramatic impact on my medical practice than any other nutritional
or non-invasive modalities that I have heretofore been involved
with. I am presently in the midst of further medical
investigation within my practice to see exactly how these
products are working on an energetic, biochemical, and
physiological level.
Notwithstanding the outcome of these clinical investigations,
I can thus far say that the Intrasound products are safe, non-toxic,
and quite helpful in helping people with diverse problems.
Sincerely, Dr. Carolyn Mortimer, M.D.
Dr. Carl Gustaff
Electrigel is the greatest gift I have ever received for
assisting patients in my 37 years of holistic practice. Our
advanced therapeutic approaches have taken a quantum leap
into a new paradigm, which until now, we could only dream about.
At present our more challenging patients are realizing greater
assistance and therefore relief from stubborn syndromes of dis-
easement that have plagued many of them for years. Some results have
been downright amazing. Let me just tell you a few stories that have
happened before my eyes. To say the least these really got my
attention, and really gave me a reason to adjust my already
successful ways of practice.
1 - A 30+ year old nurse and new mother developed a severe case of
shingles. After 3 days of pain and intense burning without relief
she came to our office. As I started into our usual mode of therapy,
I remembered that I had just received this new product. So without
any promises to her I applied this creme to see if it could help her and
went about the treatment. In about 5 minutes she turned her head and
looked at me and said this is really strange, the pain and burning
have subsided a lot. Great I said. So I gave her the jar and told
her to apply it twice a day and to return in 3 days so we could
evaluate its effectiveness. Three days later I was greeted with a
great big grin and smiling eyes - upon observing the lesion I was
delighted to see that in 3 days she had gone through about 6-8 weeks
of recovery with only a trace of the lesion left.
2 - A 40+ year old female, who since childhood has suffered from
severe eczema on here face, which was rough and reddened, and on her
hands. In order to see if there was going to be a response, we had
her only apply the gel to her right hand and to her face and return
in 3 days. After her treatment that day she sat up and said "my hand
feels very different and upon observing it there was already a
change in the skin texture. Three days later I was once again
greeted with a great big grin and dazzling eyes as her right hand
was nearly as normal as mine, but the left hand was still covered
with eczema. I was delighted but got real excited when she said,
"look at my face." It was as smooth as paper - for the first time in
her life. You bet this got my attention in a big way. This occurred
3 months ago with my first exposure to this outrageous product and
she is still the same today.
3 - My wife. We were scheduled to go away, when she came down with a
condition she has had a few times. The lymph glands in her neck were
very large and painful and her temperature took off. This condition
with our usual care takes 5-7 days to completely be resolved. We had
only received the Electrigel a few days previous and so put the gel
on the lymph glands and thymus and for the first time gave her a
drink of the powder too. In the morning every finding of the previous
night was gone and by noon that day she was her usual beautiful and
happy self. Another real attention grabber for me.
Electrigel restores order to areas of disorder in our bodies.
I have been using these products for 3 months and the following is
a short list of the conditions I have seen that have either had
complete recovery or great changes in their patterns: painful
arthritic joints, headaches, sinusitis, sprains/strains,
trigger points, chronic low back pain, shingles, eczema,
cramps in MS patients, croup, flu, IBS, colitis, heart palpitations,
addictions (drug and alcohol), depressions, body sores, cysts,
ADD syndromes, emotional disparities, seizures, skin conditions,
gum disease, breathing difficulties, digestive conditions and
the list goes on.
Many of our patients have commented that their results have been
absolutely astonishing. Every day brings in new stories. Seemingly
there is no end to the benefits we are going to derive from
this substance. The results are the most dramatic and quick that I
have ever encountered. I honestly don't expect it to work that
quickly for everyone as there are a lot of factors involved in
gaining greater and newer levels of health. However, we have
entered into a new paradigm of alternative and natural healing.
A topical gel is so much easier than any other
modality to have patients use, and can be sent home
for applying between clinic visits. I will say again, the results
are so significant and fast it sometimes takes time after they
recover for them to start to accept and realize it.
It's a nice thing to experienced with people.
Yours in greater health awareness!
Dr. Carl Gustaff
Call for further details on this very new, different,
and effective approach to some of the worst, and most
hideous problems known in our modern day world.
Phone (604)852-5904 9 - 9 Pacific Time,
mailto:Cliff.R at for links to further data.
I said NO over and over again - a colleague
had to pester me for a month - I'm now glad he did.
Conversely, I likely cannot get back to you again.
ThankYOU very much for your time.
Respectfully Yours,
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