Piaget's 2nd cousin <mr at> writes:
> Can someone tell me how much math background is necessary for the study
> of neuroscience and/or neuropsychology (whatever you happen to know
> about) on a MS/PhD level?
>> What kinds of math are used most frequently?
>> I have a decent scientific background, but one that is stonger in
> theory/history than it is in applied physics.
>> Thanks.
In terms of what is *necessary*, basic algebra and a smattering of
statistics will get you by, and that's all that a lot of
neuroscientists know. In terms of what is *useful*, differential
equations, linear algebra, and probability theory certainly come in
handy, and in my opinion are really essential if you want to study the
nervous system from a computational point of view. (By "a
computational point of view" I don't mean running computer
simulations, I mean trying to understand the nervous system as a
device that performs computations.) For neurophysiologists, who deal
with time-varying electrical signals, Fourier analysis is also an
essential tool. At a more advanced level, dynamical systems theory
comes in very handy, and to a degree information theory and analysis
of algorithms.
-- Bill
(PS, I was a math major as an undergraduate and also studied it in
graduate school before switching to neuroscience.)