Generally, one year of calculus is required for a biology major.
That will get you through a lot. (sad to say -- I was a math major
and I really despair at the lack of interest biologists show for math)
If you really want to understand the biophysics of excitability,
you will need far more -- two years of calculus (vector calculus)
with differential equations, plus some very good physical chemistry
would really help.
But, frankly, most biologically trained scientists (and physicians)
get by with the one year of calculus that they really don't ever
remember. And if you are doing a lot of highly quantitative work,
the team is usually going to have some math whizzes in it!
Piaget's 2nd cousin <mr at> wrote in message
news:393F3B0B.21A35578 at
> Can someone tell me how much math background is necessary for the study
> of neuroscience and/or neuropsychology (whatever you happen to know
> about) on a MS/PhD level?
>> What kinds of math are used most frequently?
>> I have a decent scientific background, but one that is stonger in
> theory/history than it is in applied physics.
>> Thanks.