Continuous learning neural networks

Willem Andries van Leeuwen leeuwen at science.uva.nl
Fri Jul 28 08:16:33 EST 2000

Dear Troy Kelley, tkelley at erols.com

A reference is:

M Heerema and WA van Leeuwen
A recurrent network with ever cahnging connections
J. Phys. math. Gen 33 (2000)1781-1795

It treats a network that learns and trains continuously


"Arthur T. Murray" wrote:

> Troy Kelley, tkelley at erols.com, wrote on Thu, 27 Jul 2000:
> > Can anyone out there point me toward research of NNs
> > which learn and can respond continuously?  In other words
> > they are capable of being trained and responding at the
> > same time, not during two separate phases...
> ATM:
> http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/mind4th.html Mind.Forth PD AI
> is a non-traditional neural net which does not differentiate
> between training phases and response phases.  Instead,
> learning is going on all the time:  learning of new words,
> and conceptualization of the new words.
> Inasmuch as Mind.Forth creates a new node on a "concept fiber"
> each time the concept is used, the nature of any given concept
> can shift gradually over time, as the Forthmind "learns."
> Mind.Forth is still so primitive that each syntactic structure
> has to be hand-coded into the AI as a loop of parts of speech
> to be called one-by-one in the generation of a sentence.
> However, it is almost trivial to program a learning algorithm
> which functions like the mind of a human baby, trying out
> various novel syntax loops and seeing if they meet with
> approval (i.e., are "ratified") by parents and others.
> Do you know what you get when you extend a loop over time?
> A spiral results, a kind of coil, with the same nodes
> for insertion or deletion passing by repeatedly for review.
> The insertion or deletion of a feature is called: learning.
> > Thanks
> > Troy Kelley
> > Army Research Laboratory
> --
> http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/theory5.html : AI Theory
> http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/acm.html : Step-by-step AI

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