"Mark D. Morin" <mdmpsyd at PETERHOOD69.rcn.com> writes:
> The concept of "intelligence" is pretty much of a nonsequetor in individuals with
> brain damage. Because measuring intelligence presumes an intact brain. Also
> note that the current psychometric concept of intelligence is not unitary but
> consists of any number of measures that go into the overall, composit, IQ.
>> For example, someone with frontal lobe or frontal network damage is going to have
> word finding problems. That is going to pull down their score on vocabulary. If
> it's right frontal, they are likely to have lower scores on picture arrangement
> and block design. Left or right, they are likely to have difficulties with tasks
> assessing abstract reasoning.
Well, if the authors of the Science paper are correct in their speculation,
then a patient with bilateral damage to the small lateral frontal region
they describe would be impaired on *any* test that weighs significantly
on the mystical "g" factor, and, as I understand it, this includes
every measure that goes into the composite IQ score. To put it
colloquially, such patients should look like they just aren't very
smart in general.
-- Bill