
Richard Vickery Richard.Vickery at unsw.edu.au
Tue Jul 25 03:00:27 EST 2000

Christian wrote:
> As a layman, I would like to know if there are different subgroups of
> NMDA-receptors in different parts of the human body. Most of all, I
> would like to know if the NMDA-receptors in the human cochlea differ
> from the NMDA-receptors in the brain. Is there any theoretical
> possibility to create an NMDA-antagonist that only works in the
> cochlea while avoiding side-effects in the brain?

Well, yes there are different NMDA receptor sub-types, and their
distribution does vary with developmental age and brain
location.  As to what sort of NMDA receptors are present in the
cochlea I can't help you.  Why do you want to know?

Dr Richard Vickery                  
School of Physiology & Pharmacology, UNSW, Australia, 2052
ph. 61 2 93851676,  fax 61 2 93851059              

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