Scientists 'locate' intelligence

Bill Skaggs skaggs at bns.pitt.edu
Mon Jul 24 11:22:03 EST 2000

Jure <jure.sah at guest.arnes.si> writes:

> Thursday, July 20, 2000, 22:01:22 pdt
> Scientists measuring blood flow to regions of the brain have found that
> one particular area (the frontal lateral cortex) was stimulated when
> performing complex tasks. Even tasks that required a wide range of
> cognitive functions did not stimulate numerous regions of the brain, as
> some scientists predicted. This finding gives credence to the highly
> controversial idea of a "g" factor (generalized intelligence), as
> advocated in The Bell Curve.

The next thing to do is to look for people with stroke-induced damage
to that part of the brain, and see if they're all morons.  Anybody
interested in taking a bet?

	-- Bill

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