On Thu, 20 Jul 2000 21:50:09 -0700, water <fire at wind.net> wrote:
>Hi -
>>Are neurotransmitters (the 50+ discovered) all stored in the same
>axon terminals and only release the proper neurotransmitter depending
>the signal they receive, or is each axon specialized to one or two
Until relatively recently it was thought that a neuron only released one
type of neurotransmitter. This is now known to be untrue. But no neuron,
AFAIK, produces all the neurotransmitters (there are more than 100).
Most are restricted to only a small few at best. Indeed, most of the 100
billion or so neurons are primarily either glutamatergic or GABAergic,
the most common (mainly) excitatory and (mainly) inhibitory NTs