BP & ICP routine needed...

Brain Group brain_group at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 19 18:37:55 EST 2000

Dear Colleagues,

We deeply thank to everyone who responded to our first Brain Group message -
to all the people who are interested in cooperation, using the system,
and the data. Your involvement in the project is much appreciated and valued
indeed. We hope our co-work will continue and grow. Together we can make a
difference. Thank you all!

As you already know we use the WFDB package as prototype for our system. The
WFDB is a computer software package for recording and analysis of
physiological signals. It was developed at MIT-Harvard. Extensive and
comprehensible information about the package (including software code and
precompiled binaries, manuals, and sample data) is on the web at:
http://www.physionet.org/physiotools/wfdb.shtml and
http://www.physionet.org). The WFDB package is freely available (including
source code). Any researcher interested in recording and/or analysis of
physiological data can use the package. Physionet sample data contains only
cardiology and gastrointestinal data at this moment. The Brain Group is
working now to make data recorded from Brain Injured patients available too.
If you would like to have Brain Injury data now, please write to
brain_group at hotmail.com and we will send you the sample data prior to their
appearance on the web.

Next step:

We need to add a function to the system, which would let to analyze Blood
Pressure (BP) and Intracranial Pressure (ICP). Basically, we need a routine
to compute BP systolic, diastolic and mean (as well as ICP mean, which is
computed similarly to BP) from the signal waveforms.

If you already have such a routine or are willing to help us to develop it
(so that it could be used with the WFDB data format - see WFDB Application
Guide and WFDB Programming Guide at Physionet), please, contact us at:
brain_group at hotmail.com
and/or answer directly to this newsgroup (best if you could cc: to
brain_group at hotmail.com when answering to the newsgroup). You any help
(including consulting and help with algorithm/code development would be

Kind Regards,

Brain Group
Queen's University at Kingston, Canada

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